
SUN Education Event

 We are here to make dreams come true with the best quality International education and comprehensive services for studying abroad #Dreambigmakeit


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Upcoming Events

Check our upcoming events and find thousand information about your dream university

Check our upcoming events and find thousand information about your dream university

Cafe Talk November
La Fellas Café – Kelapa Gading

Diablo Valley College One of One Session

Info Session Ini Bisa Bantu Kamu Kuliah di USA!🗽 Nggak sedikit orang yang masih ragu untuk kuliah di USA. Padahal, USA merupakan

Info Day November

UNSW Sydney Info Day 2024

🇦🇺 UNSW Sydney is Looking For You! 🇦🇺 Mau kuliah di universitas Group of 8 di Australia? UNSW Sydney is answering your

Intake Study Abroad November

Virtual Open Day Taking a Lead to Leeds

Take the first step towards study abroad greatness in the UK! 🏃🏻‍♂️💨 Mau tau cara kuliah di salah satu anggota Russell Group

Education Fair November

Experience the Future in Technology with Asia Pacific University (Malaysia)

Cara selalu jadi terdepan dengan belajar di APU🚀 Asia Pacific University percaya bahwa kuliah adalah investasi buat masa depan. Untuk itu APU

Info Session November

UCAS Info Day: Preparing You For Undergraduate Degrees at TOP UK Universities

Siap-Siap Buat Kuliah di Inggris untuk Intake 2025 dari Sini, Yuk!🙋🏻 Apakah kamu mau kuliah jenjang Undergraduate atau S1 di Inggris? Sebelumnya,

University Partner